Thursday, 17 April 2014


“Liberty of mind is absolute or, else, don’t mean enything.”
Luc Ferry in
“Learn to live:Philosophy Tractate for young generation”(2007)
          Let’s suppose that God borne His Son, Christ.
          Let’s suppose that Son of God choose to give up His inherited nature from His Father and become tangible, destructible and could be killed, in God place, by that single man. That single man satisfies his wish of Absolute Freedom and kill God, in His Son. All others men continue to live because God continue to live, because in place of God died His Son.
          Was violated Absolute Freedom of that single man ?
          I believe that no.
Was violated Absolute Freedom of God ?
I believe that yes.
 Was violated Absolute Freedom of Son of God ?
I believe that yes.
          Was violated Absolute Freedom of others men ?
          I believe that no.
Only one that lose in this demonstration is God. He lose temporary His Absolute Freedom and lose definitive His Son. God pay double for the experience of that single man.

          But what happens with that single man that kill God for check if Freedom he has is Absolute or no ?

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


Let’s suppose that Absolute Freedom exist.
Let’s suppose that God Almighty and Omniscient exist.
          Let’s suppose that God can not be created.
Let’s suppose that God created and sustain existence of men.
          Let’s suppose that if God cease to exist, die forever, irreversible.
Let’s suppose that if God cease to exist, die, then all He created men inclusive, die, in the same moment with Him.

          Let’s suppose that God is Absolute Love.
The Absolute Love would bestow Absolute Freedom on men ?
          Let’s suppose that yes.

          What happen if a single man choose to use the Absolute Freedom killing God ?
          Would can God Omniscient to know how will use Absolute Freedom this single man ?
          I believe that yes.
Would can God Almighty to destroy this single man ?
           I believe that yes.
Would destroy Absolute Love this single man ?
          I believe that no.

          If this single man kill God, than all others men die, although they don’t choose this. It isn't God choice neither. Result, considering above mentioned assumptions , that Absolute Freedom don’t exist !
          Considering above mentioned assumptions would be bound to limit every man freedom at least with don’t kill God and don’t kill any man.

          But if God born the Son, God Almighty and Omniscient like Him ?

Monday, 14 April 2014


This morning I studied the verse Daniel 8:12. Below I say how I read and how I interpret this verse:

And army given together with the daily in sin and cast truth unto ground  and worked and prospered

In 496 AD Clovis offers French army to Catholic Church in exchange for “divine accreditation” of Clovis on the French throne. A second application, in 1982 AD President Ronald Reagan provides the U.S. military to Catholic Church in exchange for “divine accreditation” of the U.S. as global superpower.